Wyatt Mylius Wyatt Mylius


Humans are social beings. We’re capable of maintaining many meaningful relationships at a time. In short, we’re hardwired for connection! During the course of a lifetime, we have many different types of relationships – partners, parents, children, friends, teachers, coworkers, neighbors – that continue to evolve over time.

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Wyatt Mylius Wyatt Mylius


Many people spend days, weeks, months, years, and even decades in careers that are diametrically opposed to who they are as spiritual beings. When Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches find alignment in their careers, spirituality, health, and relationships, they can authentically help clients do the same. It’s all about finding work you love or learning to love the work you do. You don’t have to leave your 9-to-5 job in order to have a fulfilling health coaching career – there are always ways to find gratification whether you’re coaching full-time or part-time.

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Wyatt Mylius Wyatt Mylius

Small Steps To Health and Happiness

Health and Joyful Living is a journey, not a destination; it’s important to enjoy the ride! As you begin to explore your goals, we encourage you to focus on taking small steps forward, rather than making radical changes. Smaller steps are attainable and allow you to easily identify the what is working for you and what is not. Over time, small steps of daily rituals add up and lead to lasting change.

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Wyatt Mylius Wyatt Mylius

How to avoid too much acid in the body.

A healthy gut is your superpower! It’s your way of allowing your body to operate optimally, and if you compromise that system by hindering your stomach (the first step in the process), then you’ve already lost that battle.

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Wyatt Mylius Wyatt Mylius

Just Breathe.... Breathing rooms in the studio!

Plants impact us in so many ways. Visually the color green creates a sense of peace. The essential oils in the plants that release into the air can lower blood pressure, reduce cortisol levels, and get the NK cells working in the body.

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Wyatt Mylius Wyatt Mylius

What is Sound Therapy, and why do I care?

I’ve attended many Sound Baths. Some have been amazing experiences. I’ve felt like I was floating, seen amazing colors, have retrieved forgotten memories, and had many inspirational ideas. Others have sounded like noise or someone beating on a gong until my ears bled. So buyer beware. Also called a Gong Bath, a Gong Wash, Gong Meditation, Gong Journey, or a Sound Bath if other instruments are used in conjunction with the gong.

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